6 Reasons Why Networking Is Important For Your Career

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27 August 2024 8:05 AM
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6 Reasons Why Networking Is Important For Your Career

Effective networking can open doors that you didn’t know existed. These aren’t just hollow words; they are proven facts, and there are lots of success stories to back them.

There’s a reason why networking platforms like LinkedIn have become so popular among professionals. As of January 2024, LinkedIn is said to have over 1 billion active members.

If you’re still doubting networking as a career advancement tool, keep reading.

It makes you noticeable

When you make an effort to go out of your way and meet new people, they instantly take notice of you. Moreover, you never know how a potential conversation might turn out to be!

Remember, people quickly notice others who know how to drive a conversation forward, and if you have that skill, you need to put it to good use.

Many professionals have been able to progress in their careers and climb to the top of the ladder because they know the right hacks for networking.

If you also want to level up your networking game, instead of traditional business cards, print some well-designed metal NFC business cards. It will not only make you more appealing but also serve as a conversation starter.

You find new opportunities

If you’re an aspiring business owner, right networking can put you at the center stage of your target audience or even strategic partnerships.

If you’re a serial entrepreneur, the right networking can put you at the radial point of ideas and also allow you to explore more revenue streams.

If you’re a job seeker, the right networking can put you in a circle, offering rewarding jobs or recommending one.  

Long story short, no matter what you’re doing and what your ultimate purpose is, networking can help you find new and rewarding opportunities.

Your reputation increases

A business owner or a professional who’s known to be hardworking, dedicated, and a good leader will always stay on top of the game. But building a good reputation doesn’t happen overnight, which is why you must start networking.

Talk to people in your industry and make the conversations professional, interesting, and crisp. This will help you to establish your image as a reliable and knowledgeable industry professional.

Gradually, you might even find yourself offering advice and help to others!

It keeps you updated with industry knowledge

While reading journals and papers can give you an insight to your industry, networking can give you on-field updates.

This will allow you to personalize your offerings and ultimately increase your chances of success.  

For example, if your business sells electronic goods, then networking with competitors and other industry professionals will tell you if there’s any underrated product that has been trending or if customers prefer energy-saving products in comparison to cost-saving.

These types of first-hand information also help you to stay ahead of your competitors by selling new & advanced products.

Your support network becomes stronger

Life has its own ebbs and flows – whether it is of a human or a business. These ebbs can be anything – right from minor losses in your venture to hunting for a new job altogether!

During these times, it can be important to have a strong support network that will help you navigate through the problem. Networking can be your gateway to this support network.

For example, if you’ve quit a job, you can ask for recommendation letters from influential people in your network. This will certainly have an impact on your CV, which will help you find a job sooner.

Your self-confidence develops

Other than building strong relationships, networking also helps you develop your self-confidence.

As you learn to make conversations with industry professionals, networking helps you be more confident about your knowledge of the industry, the people in it, and how you carry yourself.

Tip: If you’re unsure of your communication skills, start with a casual conversation with your co-worker and then venture into professional networking opportunities.


Networking can include anything from informal conversation during lunch breaks to high-profile conferences and seminars. In either case, your main goal is to grab people’s interests and start building long-lasting relationships.

Though it can be time-consuming and exhausting at times, it will eventually bore you amazing results and it will all seem worth it!